CAreaDraw | Base class for drawing area background |
CAreaDrawCollection | Collection of areadraws for series |
CAxis | Base class for all axes |
CAxisPlot | Base class for plots that supports axes |
CAxisShare | Used to combine axes |
CBarPlot | Plot for displaying histograms with values at one axis and category names at other |
CBarRenderer | Bar renderer |
CBarType | Bar types base class |
CBubblePlot | Used to draw bubble charts |
CCategoryAxis | An axis for displaying category names |
CCategoryDataset | Dataset for data values in form [category name, value] |
CCategoryRenderer | |
CCategorySerie | Category serie for CategorySimpleDataset |
CCategorySimpleDataset | Simple category dataset implementation |
CChart | Chart |
CChartDC | DC that includes a flag to indicate antialiased drawing should be used where appropriate |
CChartPanelMode | Base class for zoom/pan modes |
CCircleSymbol | Circle symbol |
CColorScheme | Defines set of colors for use by PiePlots, etc.. |
CCompDateAxis | Composite date axis |
CCrosshair | Crosshair class |
CCrossSymbol | Cross symbol |
CDataAxisLink | Internal class, don't use in your applications |
CDataset | Base class for all datasets (XYDatasets, XYZDatasets, CategoryDatasets, OHLCDatasets, etc) |
CDatasetArray | |
CDateAxis | An axis for displaying date/time values |
CDateTimeDataset | Base class for datasets, with date/time |
CDrawObject | Base class for objects drawn on chart or perform drawing of another objects (like renderers, area draws, etc) |
CFillAreaDraw | Fills area with specified brush and draw outline of area with specified pen |
CGanttDataset | Gantt chart dataset base class |
CGanttDatasetDateHelper | Helper used to access gantt dataset as datetime dataset |
CGanttPlot | Plot to draw gantt charts |
CGanttRenderer | Gantt data renderer |
▼CGanttSerie | |
CTaskTime | |
CGanttSimpleDataset | Gantt simple dataset |
CGradientAreaDraw | Gradient fill area |
CJulianDateAxis | |
CJulianTimeSeriesDataset | |
CLabelAxis | Base class for axes for displaying data labels |
CLabelColourer | Class that used to implement labels with different colours |
CLayeredBarType | Draws series' bars overlapped |
CLegend | Legend |
CLineMarker | Marker that marks single value, and drawn as line |
CLogarithmicNumberAxis | An axis for displaying and logarithmically scaling numerical data |
CMarker | Markers base class |
CMaskedSymbol | Symbol class, that uses bitmap mask to draw |
CMovingAverage | Simple moving average indicator |
CMultiPlot | Multiplot is plot containing one or more plots, called subplots |
CNoAreaDraw | Transparent area draw |
CNormalBarType | Normal bar type |
CNumberAxis | An axis for displaying and scaling numerical data |
COHLCBarRenderer | OHLC renderer for displaying bars |
COHLCCandlestickRenderer | OHLC renderer for displaying japanese candles |
COHLCColourer | Class that controls bars/candlesticks colour |
COHLCDataset | Open-High-Low-Close datasets base class |
COHLCItem | |
COHLCPlot | Open-High-Low-Close plot |
COHLCRenderer | Base class for rendering OHLC data |
COHLCSimpleDataset | |
CPanMode | Pan moves chart data when user drags mouse |
CPiePlot | Pie plot |
CPlot | Base class for all plots |
CPolynom | Polynom function of type: y = c0 * x^n + c1 * x^(n-1) + .. |
CRangeMarker | Marker that marks range of data |
CRefObject | Object with reference counter |
CRenderer | Base class for all renderers |
CShapeSymbol | Shape symbols base class |
CSineFunction | Sine function of type: y = a * sin(x) |
CSquareSymbol | Square symbol |
CStackedBarType | Draws series' bars in stack, after each other |
CSymbol | Symbols base class |
CTextElement | Represents a TitleElement, ie a box containing text which is displayed in the title area |
CTextElementContainer | Represents a chart title |
CTimeSeriesDataset | Time series dataset |
CTooltip | |
CTriangleSymbol | Triangle symbol |
CVectorDataset | Vector implementation of XYDataset |
CwxChartPanel | ChartPanel is wxWidgets panel for displaying chart |
CwxChartSplitPanel | WxChartSplitPanel is wxWidgets panel, that displays multiple plots |
CXYAreaRenderer | |
CXYDataset | Base class for XY datasets |
CXYDynamicDataset | XY dynamic dataset |
CXYDynamicSerie | XY dynamic serie |
CXYHistoRenderer | Renderer for displaying XY data as histograms |
CXYLineRenderer | Renderer for drawing lines from xy datasets |
CXYLineRendererBase | |
CXYLineStepRenderer | Renderer for xy datasets, where next x coordinate is always greater than previous |
CXYPlot | An plot for displaying XY data values |
CXYRenderer | Base class for all XYDataset renderers |
CXYSerie | Holds data for one XY serie |
CXYSimpleDataset | Simple xy dataset |
CXYZDataset | Dataset with (x,y,z) coordinate data |
CXYZRenderer | Xyz renderer class |
CZoomMode | |