Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ include | |
▼ wx | |
▼ axis | |
axis.h | |
categoryaxis.h | |
compdateaxis.h | |
dateaxis.h | |
juliandateaxis.h | |
labelaxis.h | |
logarithmicnumberaxis.h | |
numberaxis.h | |
▼ bars | |
barplot.h | |
barrenderer.h | |
▼ category | |
categorydataset.h | |
categoryrenderer.h | |
categorysimpledataset.h | |
▼ gantt | |
ganttdataset.h | |
ganttplot.h | |
ganttrenderer.h | |
ganttsimpledataset.h | |
▼ ohlc | |
movingaverage.h | |
movingavg.h | |
ohlcbarrenderer.h | |
ohlccandlestickrenderer.h | |
ohlcdataset.h | |
ohlcplot.h | |
ohlcrenderer.h | |
ohlcsimpledataset.h | |
▼ pie | |
pieplot.h | |
▼ xy | |
▼ functions | |
polynom.h | |
sinefunction.h | |
juliantimeseriesdataset.h | |
timeseriesdataset.h | |
vectordataset.h | |
xyarearenderer.h | |
xydataset.h | |
xydynamicdataset.h | |
xyhistorenderer.h | |
xylinerenderer.h | |
xyplot.h | |
xyrenderer.h | |
xysimpledataset.h | |
▼ xyz | |
bubbleplot.h | |
xyzdataset.h | |
xyzrenderer.h | |
areadraw.h | |
art.h | |
axisplot.h | |
chart.h | |
chartdc.h | |
chartpanel.h | |
chartrenderer.h | |
chartsplitpanel.h | |
colorscheme.h | |
crosshair.h | |
dataset.h | |
drawobject.h | |
drawutils.h | |
legend.h | |
marker.h | |
multiplot.h | |
plot.h | |
refobject.h | |
symbol.h | |
title.h | |
tooltips.h | |
wxfreechartdefs.h | |
zoompan.h | |