Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAreaDrawCollectionCollection of areadraws for series
 CBarTypeBar types base class
 CLayeredBarTypeDraws series' bars overlapped
 CNormalBarTypeNormal bar type
 CStackedBarTypeDraws series' bars in stack, after each other
 CCategorySerieCategory serie for CategorySimpleDataset
 CChartDCDC that includes a flag to indicate antialiased drawing should be used where appropriate
 CChartPanelModeBase class for zoom/pan modes
 CPanModePan moves chart data when user drags mouse
 CColorSchemeDefines set of colors for use by PiePlots, etc..
 CCrosshairCrosshair class
 CDataAxisLinkInternal class, don't use in your applications
 CDateTimeDatasetBase class for datasets, with date/time
 CGanttDatasetDateHelperHelper used to access gantt dataset as datetime dataset
 COHLCDatasetOpen-High-Low-Close datasets base class
 CTimeSeriesDatasetTime series dataset
 CDrawObjectBase class for objects drawn on chart or perform drawing of another objects (like renderers, area draws, etc)
 CAreaDrawBase class for drawing area background
 CFillAreaDrawFills area with specified brush and draw outline of area with specified pen
 CGradientAreaDrawGradient fill area
 CNoAreaDrawTransparent area draw
 CMarkerMarkers base class
 CLineMarkerMarker that marks single value, and drawn as line
 CRangeMarkerMarker that marks range of data
 CRendererBase class for all renderers
 CBarRendererBar renderer
 CGanttRendererGantt data renderer
 COHLCRendererBase class for rendering OHLC data
 COHLCBarRendererOHLC renderer for displaying bars
 COHLCCandlestickRendererOHLC renderer for displaying japanese candles
 CXYRendererBase class for all XYDataset renderers
 CXYHistoRendererRenderer for displaying XY data as histograms
 CXYZRendererXyz renderer class
 CLabelColourerClass that used to implement labels with different colours
 COHLCColourerClass that controls bars/candlesticks colour
 CPlotBase class for all plots
 CAxisPlotBase class for plots that supports axes
 CBubblePlotUsed to draw bubble charts
 CGanttPlotPlot to draw gantt charts
 CXYPlotAn plot for displaying XY data values
 CBarPlotPlot for displaying histograms with values at one axis and category names at other
 COHLCPlotOpen-High-Low-Close plot
 CMultiPlotMultiplot is plot containing one or more plots, called subplots
 CPiePlotPie plot
 CRefObjectObject with reference counter
 CDatasetBase class for all datasets (XYDatasets, XYZDatasets, CategoryDatasets, OHLCDatasets, etc)
 COHLCDatasetOpen-High-Low-Close datasets base class
 CXYDatasetBase class for XY datasets
 CCategoryDatasetDataset for data values in form [category name, value]
 CMovingAverageSimple moving average indicator
 CPolynomPolynom function of type: y = c0 * x^n + c1 * x^(n-1) + ..
 CSineFunctionSine function of type: y = a * sin(x)
 CTimeSeriesDatasetTime series dataset
 CVectorDatasetVector implementation of XYDataset
 CXYDynamicDatasetXY dynamic dataset
 CXYSimpleDatasetSimple xy dataset
 CXYZDatasetDataset with (x,y,z) coordinate data
 CRendererBase class for all renderers
 CSymbolSymbols base class
 CMaskedSymbolSymbol class, that uses bitmap mask to draw
 CShapeSymbolShape symbols base class
 CCircleSymbolCircle symbol
 CCrossSymbolCross symbol
 CSquareSymbolSquare symbol
 CTriangleSymbolTriangle symbol
 CTextElementRepresents a TitleElement, ie a box containing text which is displayed in the title area
 CTextElementContainerRepresents a chart title
 CDatasetBase class for all datasets (XYDatasets, XYZDatasets, CategoryDatasets, OHLCDatasets, etc)
 CAxisBase class for all axes
 CAxisShareUsed to combine axes
 CCompDateAxisComposite date axis
 CLabelAxisBase class for axes for displaying data labels
 CCategoryAxisAn axis for displaying category names
 CDateAxisAn axis for displaying date/time values
 CNumberAxisAn axis for displaying and scaling numerical data
 CRendererBase class for all renderers
 CXYDynamicSerieXY dynamic serie
 CwxChartSplitPanelWxChartSplitPanel is wxWidgets panel, that displays multiple plots
 CwxChartPanelChartPanel is wxWidgets panel for displaying chart
 CXYSerieHolds data for one XY serie